What is PPPoE User ID?
PPPoE is an Internet connection type. Through which we take internet service. There are many other connection types available such as static IP, L2TP, PPTP, Dynamic IP, etc, But the simplest connection type is PPPoE. More than an exciting fact is IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS, and Alt DNS are all given through PPPoE connection type. So we don't have to do anything manually anymore.
How to Dail-Up PPPoE User ID?
Check your physical connectivity first! Check the cable (cat-6 or cat-5) connectivity from ISP's modem or onto your Pc! I think you can understand by looking at the picture below.
First, go to Open Network & Internet Settings. Then go to Dail-up. After clicking on Dial-up You need to set up a new connection. Then you need to choose a connection option. you need to select 1st option. Connect to the internet. setup broadband or dial-up connection to the internet. Then you need to create a new connection to set up your PPPoE user id. Then come "How do you want to connect? Select Broadband (PPPoE). option
Final Dail-Up
You can understand by looking at the picture below. Finally, here you need to dial up your PPPoE user id. First, you need to enter your username and password. Then write a broadband connection name. Which will be provided by your ISP. Then click Connect.
If your physical connectivity and PPPoE user ID are correct then your internet connection will come.